Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Sick baby

Well, Amelia is having another stomach issue. She's been having these odd bowel movements that look like curdled mustard (and slimy according to the babysitter). She's been having the odd poo since Sunday afternoon.

Sunday evening, Greg and I decided to take Amelia to Nighttime Pediatrics because she wasn't sleeping and her constant crying that sounded like she was in severe pain. We arrived at 7--ish and are given an 'appointment' to return at 9:20! I was under the impression that Nighttime Pediatrics was about urgent care and not setting appointments. So, Greg and I return at 9:10 to fill out paper work and then we wait. We were not seen by the doctor until after 10pm! And, when the doctor DID show, all he did was look in her ears and asked what the symptoms were; all the while as Greg and I were waiting, Amelia had another odd poo and when we told the doctor, in case he wanted to see it to get a better idea of what we were talking about, he didn't even acknowledge that we said anything! All the doctor suggested was to change her formula due to possible reflux and to put her on Pedialyte. We were home by 10:25pm (and it only takes, maybe, 10 minutes to get to Nighttime Pediatrics). Fortunately, Amelia slept through the night once we were home.

Today is 4/26 as I write, but I started this post a few days ago. So this is what's been going on...

Amelia has been taking Pedialyte since Monday morning and nothing else. Today, I spoke with the pediatrician and he wants to try a soy based formula, but we are going to start with half formula and half Pedialyte today and then gradually all formula and see if this improves her symptoms. I'm assuming there is a possible milk allergy causing her diarrhea since the formula I picked up is milk and lactose free. I hope this works. I'm sure she's miserable as I know I would be. But, she seems to be doing ok. Believe me, she has her moments where she is a nightmare screaming her head off and there is nothing I can do to help her, but there are the times where she is a doll, cooing and giggling away (though no laughing). All in all, I am crossing my fingers hoping this works.

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