Friday, April 20, 2007

In the beginning... October 2006

*Twice I've started this post and twice I lost everything I wrote. So, I'm going to do everything in Chapters by Month to ensure something gets posted*

Late September I started a new job assigned at MX Energy. Easlier in September I quit my job at Cypress Creek because I was absolutley unhappy. When I left Cypress Creek, I signed up with a temp service and was placed at MX.

In the beginning of the month, October, I kept feeling these twitches on my bladder. After a week or so of feeling this, I decided to contact my doctor to see what he says. My doctor says that it sounds like I am having 'bladder spasms' and to drink cranberry juice for a week and to contact him again if things don't improve. Well, before the week is up, I develope bronchitis and forget all about the 'bladder spasms'. Then, by the end of October, I am finally feeling better and notice that the twitches have begun to move elsewhere in the stomach area and are much stronger. I don't think anything of it and don't mention anything to my doctor.

On a side note, one night Greg and I were watching a movie in the living room and the twitches were very active and I placed his hand over the site and he tells me that there's a baby kicking in there. I told him to shut-up and ignored his comment.

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